Review, Publishing and Fee Policy


  • The research contribution is blind peer reviewed by two reviewers of International repute before publication. The review reports if positive then research contribution accepted for publishing. However, the Editorial Board reserves the right to exclude the paper without showing cause for it. The decision of the Editorial Board will be considered exclusive for publication of the article.
  • The journal accepts only those research contributions which are free from plagiarism. The author has to submit article along with similarity report and author will be legally responsible for any objection in this regard.
  • The Journal Board usually publish the views and research of Authors. It is not necessary to agree with the view of authors and cannot be responsible for any statement, comment or information.
  • Research Journal, strictly follows Plagiarism Policy as per guidelines of HEC.
  • Usually, a research contribution gets published in 04 to 12 weeks, while time could be increased subject to the review reports of reviewers.
  • Authors are expected to submit research contributions in time.
  • Usually, JIBAS announces call for papers four time in a year in December for upcoming Issue from January to March, in March for upcoming issue of April to June, in June for upcoming issue from July to September, and in September for upcoming issue of Otober to December.
  • Furthermore, JIBAS encourages authors to contribute researches for special issues on particular aspects of the society which will be announced time to time.  

Publishin Fee

  • JIBAS is an open access research journal. Readers are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text and to use for education and any lawful purpose under the Government law of open access.
  • JIBAS has no funding agencies. The Management decided publishing fee of 15,000 PKR for  the cost of Publishing Research Contributions. It consists of National and International reviewer, publishing, long time archiving, website running, typesetting, copyediting and other necessary charges. 
  • This is also decided by administration that the procesing fee of 5000 PKR, once the research article is processed, is not refundable by anymean.  
  • Habibia Research Academy has no funding and sposorship from Govt. or any funding agency. The organization accomodates expenses of publishing only through fee collections from Authors, which includes expenses of editorial team, computer operator, website management, indexing with International agencies, charges of reviewers, payments of doi and publishing. 
  • Authors are encouraged and invited to contribute in term of donations with organization other then publishing fee charges as well. 
  • For submission of publishing fee the following account details may kindly be used. 
  • Bank Name and Branch Code: (0106) Meezan Bank Federal B Area Karachi Pakistan.
  • IBN : PK53 MEZN 0001 0601 0581 2731
  • Account No.   0106  0105812731